Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Father'S LOVE ,again.Iwas REMINDED

One a.m in the morning,God took her home,to paradise,a place beyond our imagination''I will join you there.''-This what I said lookoing at her,as her human flesh lay in the blue box.

She is de 2nd person in my life that i mourned and cried for that had join my father in heaven.Remember we went on a mission together,it was our first time,she was like my mummy throughout the whole trip.I like her.=)

The whole funeral had come to an end.Everyone was getting some food to eat as they sit together and chat.I went back to the hall , alone.I took a sit next to the door at the end of the row on the right.I prayed and start thanking God for everything as well as reflect Her life.

Out of nowhere,a liitle girl,a girl that's a stranger to me ,came over ,she starts asking me to leave the place.And,this was how it began.

Little girl:''Could you go home ,if not sit over to the next chair coz i want to close up the chair that you are sitting.''
Me :''Oo..but this isn;t your home,and you have no rights,so i would like to sit here as along as i want to.''
Little girl:''Okay,I will count to 10 and you must leave her at once.''
Me :''Erm..can I have at least 5 minutes?Then,i'll leave''
Little girl:''What?I'll count to 5 and you must go!''
Ilook at her and say -plssssssssss.....She went away and came back,saying to me,
Little girl:''Kay,kay..i count to hundred and you better go.''
Me :''Sure!''

She went around the chairs at the other end,counted from 100 to 95 and run back to me,insisting me to leave at once.

At that moment,gurl B came,she starts talking to me at how she use to call me names wit her bro,and starts laughing.I ask her how are you and she said fine,''I could even laugh!''(The sentense from a mouth of a girl that had just lost her mom).I felt bad for her,to put on the mask at a very young age.Well,both of them start saying bad abt me,HOW FAT AM I,i didn't answer just listen,and start to cry,gurl B saw and stopped little gurl from making fun of me.I stretched my hand and say''It's okay'',I was shocked at my own reaction.Normally i would get angry and leave,but i didn't,I look at little gurl and continue to accept her.Listening to her,trying to win that frienship with her.

That instant,God spoke to me,He said ''
I am you(refering to me at that moment)and the two little girls represents my children on earth,Ilove all of you for who you are.Iwant your time.Iwant to bless you.I want to embrace you.I want you to be joyfull and fill the peaceIN YOU as you come into my presence,Iwant to talk to you,I want your heart,even if it's broken,I want you to be happy.''He doesn't care if we mock at him or sin agaisnt him,as long as we REPENT.

Yes!! That is the father's heart.I tried talking with the girl,wants to play with her and just hold her hand and say ''You're so adorable''But she just couldn't stop running up and down and moving further away from me.And that is the heart of my father-JESUS too..waiting for us.Indeed,God reminded me again abt his unfailing love and the heart of his -that we are his ROYAL PRINCE and PRINCESSes.-that we BELONG to him.

After saying goodbye to the family's of HER's,I tried to approach little girl again,and failed as she ran off..People out there,just remember this-''God loves YOU'',Don't be like that girl runs away from me,God's waititng for you,BUT know the times running out,.

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